Techie Stuff


We proudly operate a fully licensed Short Wave (SW) station nestled amidst the serene landscapes of Finland. Our current broadcasting license grants us the privilege to transmit on the upper segment of the SW BC band, specifically at 6,120MHz.

Our equipment comprises a 25W AM transmitter, harmoniously connected to a 43-meter-long dipole antenna. This elegant antenna stands approximately 6 meters above the ground, its metallic arms reaching out to the ether. We adhere meticulously to both the technical specifications of our transmitter and the provisions of our license. Consequently, we occasionally temper our transmitter’s power output, ensuring it remains within safe operating temperatures and avoiding any unwelcome spectral artifacts that excessive power might induce.

As the sun sets over our tranquil station, we continue to weave our signals through the airwaves, connecting with fellow enthusiasts across the globe.


We'd be pleased to receive reception reports all around the world. Please send you reception reports to our e-mail:


Our noble quest is to champion independent content, embracing not only the novelty of the present but also the cherished echoes of yesteryears. A treasure trove of music and other auditory delights awaits those who seek non-commercial bliss, courtesy of the benevolent Public Domain.

In this cacophony of commercial clamor, we stand as fervent advocates for freely accessible public creations. For in this age of excess, it is the discerning pursuit of quality that shall endure.

Want to send us your own material? Absolutely!

Dear Contributor,

Kindly prepare an audio file and send it to us via email. Should the file prove too large for direct attachment, feel free to share it using your preferred cloud file sharing platform (such as Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, Dropbox, iCloud, etc.).

Upon receipt, we will meticulously review and post-process the material to ensure it aligns with our studio’s exacting technical standards. Please be aware that we only accept content that falls within the public domain or adheres to free-to-use licenses. Additionally, we refrain from handling any material of a political, religious, or hate speech nature.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Warm regards, The Operator, Blacksmith Knoll

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