
Updated: 04.07.2024



Random test transmissions during the days and evenings. Fine tuning of the system and preparing studio for more controlled schedule.

These technical test broadcasts are planned to be sent on the hour (but not every hour). Each broadcast can last anywhere from 5 minutes up to 30 minutes. Additionally, there may be several short broadcasts in between, composed of different types of bleeps, boops, noise, and random audio.

Our frequency is shared with a strong Chinese station (Xinjiang, PBS XJ) broadcasting from Urumqi-Changji, so during PBS hours our station is silent.

Our planned slot is following:

Schedule irregular, 18:05 UTC on Weekends (mainly Fri, Sat), random repeats on weekdays"

This goes as long as needed to verify the workings of both the studio and the TX. Several different methods, test tones, music and other audio will be used, some of them very odd ones!


We have planned the First Official Show to be aired on Friday, the 19th of July 2024 - 18:05 (UTC).

Footnote about the Schedule:
In the event of QRM, QRN, or a busy slot, we will postpone our initially planned broadcast time to avoid causing unnecessary interference ourselves.

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